13 February 2023

Remember what using Facebook was like way back when? Safe to say, the app's changed considerably since then. The era of browsing your newsfeed chronologically to check out your aunt's vacation pics or ogle your neighbour's new cat is long gone.
These days, the Facebook platform's algorithms arranges posts based on your habits and what type of content you’re most likely to interact with. This reorganizes what posts appear in your feed, ensuring you’re present and active on the app for as long as possible.
But what’s behind these algorithms, exactly? And is there a way to outsmart them, so that your brand can stand out and get noticed by audiences? Keep reading, and we'll share some of our top tips with you.
How does the Facebook algorithm work?
Today, Facebook promotes posts that it thinks will generate higher engagement—likes, comments, shares, views, and link clicks. An organic Facebook page typically gets very little engagement. If you want people to see the content you’re posting, you need to think like the platform and consider what criteria will drive engagement.
Okay, but how can you “trick” the Facebook algorithm?
There’s no real way to outsmart the algorithm—the best way to use it to your advantage is by creating and sharing content that the platform favours and considers, well, engaging. That's how your brand will gain greater visibility in your audience's news feed.
Create useful or entertaining content
The number one reason people share content with others online is so their friends or family can
enjoy or gain something from that piece of content, like you did. Remember, your content needs to be so engaging that your followers will want to share it with someone—this is how you achieve the sought-after organic reach. Facebook considers sharing to be the most valuable form of engagement.
Create "snackable" content
When we say snackable content, we mean “quick wins.” Snackable means creating content that's easy to digest, attention-grabbing, and fun to share like images, quotes, infographics, memes, GIFs, or surveys. This concept becomes even more important considering that the average person's attention span is about 9 seconds and declining.
Focus on video
Facebook favours video content—and if you’re a social media user, this is good news because you’ve probably realized short-form video is the most engaging type of content by a long shot. Users spend five times longer watching video content than static content. The Facebook algorithm has caught onto the fact that users enjoy video content, and so it tends to promote these types of posts over others. Sorry, static images. Better luck next time.
The secret sauce
As we said, Facebook's algorithms push content that’s most likely to drive engagement. The key to achieving this is understanding your audience and speaking their language—try interacting with followers in the comments to get a sense of how they speak about your brand. Also, don't be afraid to think outside the box and test any new features and formats the platform launches.
We’ve done our part, now it’s your turn. Time to implement some of these best practices, and make any necessary adjustments based on the results. Need help with your digital marketing strategy? We’re always here and happy to help.