15 November 2022

Four times a year, the whole agency comes together for a special occasion. The Town Hall meetings are a familiar thing for any business, but we do things a little differently here. Down with long, tedious one-way speeches. Our trimestrial events are all about conversation and exchange in all their forms. It’s the perfect moment to talk about the company’s challenges, our creatives’ successes, and our upcoming goals - as a team.
On September 23rd, our latest Town Hall took place. The whole agency gathered to attend the presentation of Guillaume Brunet, President and Founder of Substance / Radiance. We learned, we laughed, we talked. The meeting even ended with a visit from Alexandre Bilodeau, Canadian freestyle skier and double gold medalist at the Vancouver 2010 and Soci 2014 Olympics. Alexandre came to discuss the meaning of performance, failure, and team work with us in a festive atmosphere.
Trimestrial Town Halls always end with a special team building activity. Employees volunteer to organize a playful event that helps create connections. Last Friday, we all dressed down in comfortable clothes to play board games with our colleagues across all departments.
We believe these team building days are essential to cultivate an invigorating and dynamic team spirit on a daily basis. These activities don’t just relax the atmosphere and give us the chance to have fun with colleagues, they also make a real difference. They allow a certain proximity between members of different departments who otherwise don’t work together often. We can learn more about each other. We’re efficient while having fun.
At Substance / Radiance, we take these social events seriously. The agency looks forward to this day that always rhymes with fun, collaboration and good memories.
If you want to take part in these enriching and memorable events, there’s always room on our team. Find your place with us here. We can’t wait for the next Town Hall and Teambuild. Who knows, maybe you’ll be one of us.