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Article Substance

05 March 2025

Influencer Marketing: The Importance of Authenticity

At the second edition of LAB Substance, Marc-André Dufresne, Director of Content and Influencer Marketing, led a panel of content creators and marketing professionals in a discussion on the importance of building and nurturing genuine relationships in influencer marketing. Panelists explored various topics, including the relationship between influencers and brands, the dynamic between influencers and their communities, and the evolution of influencer marketing.


  • Cynthia Dulude, content creator, public figure, and professional makeup artist

  • Pierre-Olivier Beaudoin, content creator and president of Muze Influence

  • Kate Moya, content creator and internet personality

  • Jérémie Latreille, founder of Fitcookfoodz, chef, content creator, and cookbook author

  • Anne-Marie Dassylva, lawyer and businesswoman, founder of DassMuch

Let’s look at the key takeaways from this expert panel:

Let’s look at the key takeaways from this expert panel:

  1. Authenticity and Trust: The Keys to Success

Panelists agreed on the importance of authenticity and trust in building strong relationships with brands and their communities. Influencers must remain true to themselves and their values while catering to the needs of brands. Humour can be a great way to convey brand messaging organically without compromising the authenticity of the content.

The rise of AI-generated content challenges brand authenticity, making it harder for users to tell the difference between real and fake. In order to maintain consumer trust, brands must be transparent about using AI and should clearly label when content is AI-generated. The panel agreed that influencer marketing, which creates authentic connections between brands, users, and influencers—will play a growing role in marketing budgets.

  1. The Evolution of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is constantly evolving. Transparency and performance measurement are key for brands and influencers. Demonstrating campaign impact and justifying investments is now essential. In Canada, the influencer marketing market is expected to reach 1.4 billion CAD in 2023. This represents a significant increase from 900 million CAD in 2020. Such growth emphasizes the increasing importance of influencer marketing’s role in the Canadian media landscape.

  1. Collaboration and Communication

Communication and collaboration are essential in ensuring the success of an influencer marketing campaign. Influencers, brands, and agencies must work together to define clear objectives and create content that aligns with shared values. Managing legal aspects is crucial in preventing disputes and maintaining smooth collaboration. A clear and detailed service agreement is key to the success of an influencer marketing campaign.

What's Next for Influencer Marketing

Ultimately, the panel highlighted the importance of relationships in influencer marketing. Strong relationships between influencers, brands, and the community are key to crafting authentic and effective campaigns. Panelists shared their insights on the evolution of influencer marketing, emphasizing the growing importance of transparency, performance measurement, and collaboration.

Want to learn more about our influencer marketing services? Discover how Substance can help you create authentic and effective campaigns.

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